Thoughts On
The Chosen One
Last updated on Nov 07, 2021


The time has come. When you have learned enough experience, understanding, and personal achievement, it's time for you to find more teammates.

The weak one

There are always people like that. They are excellent and talented, but they usually need a perfect environment in which they can thrive, such as people who need a tranquil space to work. They are people who typically complain about their bad luck, about the injustice of life. If you meet them, sympathize with them, even help them, but don't choose them.

The strong one

These people are a little less. They are people who are good at enduring. They can overcome a lot of ups and downs. They are the ones who bring success to themselves through their efforts. If you encounter them by accident, give them respect, observe, and even learn from them, but never choose them.

The chosen one

Suppose the weak one falls in the face of difficulties. In that case, the strong one endures hardships and looks for opportunities to rise, then the chosen one benefits from what the majority consider difficult. It could be genetics, upbringing, or opportuneness. If you are lucky enough to come across such a person, lower your ego and politely invite them to be your companion.