Finance Foundations
Last updated on Aug 07, 2021


Every quarter, the board of directors of a company will have a strategic meeting to talk about finance.

The board of directors = an elected group of individuals that represent shareholders.

Shareholders = company partners = any person, company, or institution that owns at least 1 share of a company's stock.

They will talk about:

  • Inventory management: to order, store and use company's inventory more efficiently.

  • Acquisitions: to expand the company by buying other companies.

  • Borrowing policy: to facilitate the process of borrowing the money. They might use a line of credit with a bank.

A line of credit = a pre-approved loan with a limit from a financial institution.

  • Share buybacks: to decide whether they should buy stock back or not from shareholders.

  • Large institutions: to find out who is buying the company shares from shareholders. They might be insurance companies, mutual funds, etc.

This is finance.