In the previous post about publishing ports, we knew that Docker can perform outer-communication to let a container chit chat with another machine or another container inside your machine. By doing that way, we publish ports outside the docker internal virtual network and even to the host network. That's why your machine can talk with a docker container.
In this post, we will see how to create an inter-communication to control exactly which container will talk with which container.
Default networks
Let's show the available networks by running
docker network ls
So we see 3 networks by default which are bridge
, host
, and none
Bridge network
In networking concept, a bridge is a Link Layer device that forwards traffic between network segments. It can be a hardware device or software device.
In docker, a bridge network uses a software bridge. Containers that connect to the same bridge network can communicate. It provides isolation from containers which are not connected to that bridge network.
Docker also makes sure that containers on different bridge networks cannot communicate directly with each other by automatically installing rules in the host machine.
Host network
Host network will make the container not isolated from the docker host, meaning the container doesn't get its own IP address allocated.
For example, if a container binds to port 12345 and this container use host networking mode, the container's application is accessible on port 12345 on host's IP address.
None network
None network will set the mode no networking for the container.
Create an user-defined network
Let's create a network named earth
docker network create earth
Run a container named thor
, connect him with the network earth
and let him listen on port 12345.
docker run --rm -it --net earth --name thor ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc -lp 12345
Open a new terminal, create a container named ironman
and let him connect to thor
on port 12345.
Suddenly, ironman
says "jarvis". Let's look at thor
terminal, he heard it!
docker run --rm -it --net earth --name ironman ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc thor 12345
From this example, we created an user-defined network, let 2 containers join that network and chit chat with each other.
Connect a container with a network
Let's create a new user-defined network named asgard
and connect thor
container with asgard
docker network create asgard
docker network connect asgard thor
Now we create a container named loki
and ping thor
will be able to ping thor
because both of them use asgard
But ironman
cannot ping loki
because ironman
is not inside asgard
only uses earth
docker run --rm -it --net asgard --name loki ubuntu:14.04 bash
ping thor # success
ping ironman # failed
# list all networks
docker network ls
# create network
docker network create network_name
# connect a container with a network
docker network connect network_name container_id
# inspect a network
docker network inspect network_name
docker inspect network_name
# Use --net flag to specify network for a container on creating
docker run --rm -it --net earth --name ironman ubuntu:14.04 bash